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Camellia's macadamia brand Maclands

  • 21 Apr 2022
  • Camellia Plc

Camellia's macadamia brand Maclands

Camellia's Maclands brand encompasses a group of highly professional multi-origin Macadamia Nut growers from Kenya, Malawi and South Africa. Our production units are fully integrated from the nursery, through planting, harvesting, dehusking, cracking and packing, ensuring a 100% traceable, quality product direct to our global client base. All operations have their own state of the art cracking facilities ensuring the highest hygiene and quality control standards.

As revealed in the latest International Nut and Dried Fruit Council (INC) stats (here) supply continues to grow with new orchard developments particularly in South Africa, Kenya and China. It is imperative upon all producers to ensure that this supply is matched by demand. We work continuously with our marketing agents Green & Gold Macadamias to ensure the safe delivery of quality nuts to the market and in supporting new product development initiatives which are critical to increasing demand for this wonderful, healthy product.


Macadamia production volumes make up about 1% of global tree nut production, the lowest volume in the category so there’s plenty potential to grow demand. Macs are in demand more and more as they become increasingly appreciated in an exciting developing market, now found in a multitude of nut snacks, trail mixes, bakery products, ice creams and of course non-dairy milks (e.g. milkadamia). The list of uses for this nutritious product continues to expand rapidly in to many new areas of innovation. There is great work also being done by World Macadamia Organisation to help develop standards and markets for the industry as it continues to grow. 


Maclands production makes up around 3% of global Mac production. We believe strongly in sustainability and the use regenerative agriculture, ensuring our custodial responsibilities to our soil are fulfilled in a process of continuous improvement for the benefit of the next and future generations. Ensuring practices such as mulching, inter-row cover cropping, reducing chemical usage and conserving water are conducted to ensure soil health, water conservation and bio-diversity are maintained and central to all we do. 

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