Share price: 4,730.00 details

Share price information


Issued Share Capital

Total number of Ordinary Shares in issue–2,824,500.

Assam-DooarsHoldings Limited, a subsidiary of Camellia Plc (“the Company”), holds 62,500 Ordinary Shares representing 1.54 % of the Company’s issued ordinary share capital, these are classified as treasury shares. These ordinary shares are part of the total issued share capital of the Company but, in accordance with the Companies Act 2006, no voting rights are exercisable in respect of these shares while they remain so held. Therefore, the total voting rights are 2,762,000 shares. Currently, 64.8% of the issued shares are not held in public hands. The Company’s shares are listed on AIM and are not listed on any other exchange or trading platform. There are no restrictions on the transfer of the Company’s shares listed on AIM.


Substantial Shareholders

As at 9 December 2024 the Company was aware of the following interests of 3% or more of the Company’s share capital:-

Name of Shareholder

No of Shares

% Holding

Camellia Holding AG*



Nokia Bell Pensioenfonds



Quaero Capital SA



*Controlled by Camellia Private Trust Company Limited

Natural food, ethically produced